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My name is Fern, short for Fernanda and welcome to Fern and Films! So I guess you're here to learn a little more about me although I'm not that great about talking about myself but I'll try anyways. I am a Floridian resident. I live with my younger sister and our cat, Gato. Aside from Gato we have a Dalmatian named Cano, but he lives with my parents. Usually I'm working or studying but on my off days you can probably find me at Target, playing video games, FYE, Universal Studios, or the movie theatre.

I've always wanted to give a personal blog a try. Since I was young I can remember Sunday's with my parents catching up with the latest film in theaters only to come back home to watch another movie (R.I.P Blockbuster) Slowly I started growing a large collection of movie tickets which later turned into a collection of films. Currently I have a little over 600 DVD's collected, but this will most likely continue to grow. I've always loved watching movies as a child and as I've grown I've expanded on my interests.

I've also always had a passion for writing, but I can't personally say I'm any good at it whether I'm any good at it. My writing expertise is limited to pretty much my private diary or assignments for school. Writing has given me a means to express myself which brings me to why you've found this page! Given how much I love writing and films, I've decided to make a blog of some of the films I watch. I guess I could best describe these as film reviews, but mostly it's just me spewing out my personal opinion on the films I watch. I'm not an English major, nor am I a certified film critic I'm just doing this for my gratification. Between studying I am just looking for anything to have some fun with. I've never tried anything like this before, but I hope I can be consistent with it. Thanks for getting to know me and I hope you enjoy my blog! : )

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